Time to introduce the PISRS team, please welcome them.
David Litton Founder-Lead Investigator B.A. criminal Justice, 11 years Deputy Sheriff, 24 years as Private Investigator, Ordained Minister.
Joy Litton Case Manager- Investigator B.A. Psychology
Dian Lockhart Psychic Medium- Investigator at large
David Romz-  Tech Manager  15 years experience in paranormal investigations

Kim Romz-  Investigator  15 years experience in paranormal investigations


                                                                                                                                                             David Litton- President Lead Investigator 


                                                                                                                                                             Joy Litton- Case Manager Investigator


David Romz  Tech Manager  Investigator 


 Kim Romz  Investigator, sensative


 Luke Wadephul Investigator


Dian Lockhart- Psychic medium Investigator at large


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