Mansfield Reformatory 


 Ectoplasm coming from window?


 Face on light to the left


 Face in orb in window


Full body apperition 


Face in orb 


 Reading of 666 on Mel meter. House investigation


Moving orb 


 Orb on window


Moving orb in living room 


Cemetery EVP 

breathe.wav breathe.wav
Size : 109.109 Kb
Type : wav

House investigation EVP 

unk3[1].wav unk3[1].wav
Size : 794.285 Kb
Type : wav

House investigation evp

unk8[1].wav unk8[1].wav
Size : 425.789 Kb
Type : wav

Face in lower right side of window 


 Orb by Joy's shoulder


Blue mist in solitary 


 Unexplained hand


Mel meter hit 


Light annomily on fallen tree 


EVP house Investigation

yeah.wav yeah.wav
Size : 1140.52 Kb
Type : wav

House investigation EVP 

unk[1].wav unk[1].wav
Size : 1454.66 Kb
Type : wav

House investigation evp

attic voice get out of here-cleanup.wav attic voice get out of here-cleanup.wav
Size : 1735.973 Kb
Type : wav

Attic evp 

ATTIC1.wav ATTIC1.wav
Size : 626.652 Kb
Type : wav

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